If you are a person who watches television at random, you would notice the many commercials that are promoting pharmaceutical products. Pills for diabetes, high blood pressure, psoriasis, various cancers and shots to hide HIV, alter gender by increasing testosterone or estrogen. The pharmaceutical market is booming for those who don't eat a healthy diet and depend on these medicines for relief, a cure or alteration of their bodies, including beautification.
Room For Improvement
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Food Is Now Our Medicine
Saturday, September 25, 2021
This is an excerpt from Spoiled Milk - Recognizing The False book
This type of deception is too
often repeated in the body of Christ. You get saved believing that you should
obey all of the Ten Commandments, three months later the Sabbath day is
irrelevant. You commit your life unto Jesus Christ believing marriage to be a
sacred covenant and for sex to be enjoyed within marriage with your spouse. Two
years later you are dating the married man or you are engaged to the divorced
woman. You’ve rededicated your life to Christ, stopped clubbing and hanging out
at bars, drinking rum and beers. You returned to your first love and faithfully
attended church services. Eight months later you have some struggles in life
and encountered some road blocks. Now
you occasionally drink and your excuse is that it is for the stomach’s sake,
although nothing is wrong with you. You committed your life unto the lordship
of Jesus Christ and got baptized in His name and also prayed and did spiritual
warfare in the name of Jesus. Five years later you allowed someone to introduce
you to some Hebrew words, now you no longer want to use the name of Jesus,
Jehovah or own your nationality. All it took was for some spoiled milk to be
presented unto you and for you to thereafter digest it, accept it as being true
and it was all over. You were deceived, your spiritual convictions died and you
no longer saw what you believed to be sin as sin anymore. Like Eve and also
Adam you cast the blame on another when in reality you simply rejected truth
and accepted the lie.
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
This is an excerpt from CHOSEN book by Cheryl A. Dorsett
It is time
to get down to the reality of being chosen. Although I have alluded to characters
in the Bible, we must realize that they
were human and therefore, shared fears and concerns similar to yours and mine. Mary was a young maiden, who was engaged, when she was told that she will be impregnated
by the Holy Spirit. Many claimed that she was about twelve years of age; which
in this present day, would be considered too young to have a child. Additionally,
as she was a virgin, it can be assumed that Mary’s plan was for her first born
to be Joseph, her husband to be’s child. Nevertheless, as the maiden chosen to
birth the Son of God, her plans had to change.
Click here to purchase your copy of CHOSEN
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
I Kept Running and excerpt from The Poetic Pen
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Jacob's Prayer - An excerpt from An Availing Prayer
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Excerpt is from the book 'Understanding The Prophetic' by Tanya E. Munroe. Book is available at https://protype.my-online.store/
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Article is an excerpt from Knowing But Not Becoming - The Metamorphosis book.
Book available at https://protype.my-online.store/product_preview/p6843694_20231771.aspx