Thursday, March 12, 2020

Jacob's Prayer - An excerpt from An Availing Prayer

Can we tarry like Jesus’ disciples in the secret chamber?  Do we have the willingness to persevere until our answer, relief or change comes.  Jacob prayed and he also wrestled until his change took place.  A blessing indeed was received, “Your name will no longer be your name will be Israel,” the angel said.  With the interpretation it reads as follows, “Your name will no longer be supplanter…your name will be symbolic ruler of God or he shall rule as God.”

We want to experience a positive change in our lives, we want the improvement, the blessings or increase but we do not want to wrestle for what is rightfully ours. We have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavens in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:1-6). Too many of us lack the will or zeal to fight the good fight of faith for our spiritual inheritance.  Jacob fought until he was blessed by the angel and he fought all night.  The angel pleaded with Jacob to release him. The parable of the unjust judge depicts a scene whereby the judge was wearied by the widow’s persistent prayer (Luke 18:1-8). The life application of the parable is that when we cry out unto God day and night we will receive the answer to our prayers speedily.

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