Tuesday, September 21, 2021


 This is an excerpt from CHOSEN book by Cheryl A. Dorsett

It is time to get down to the reality of being chosen. Although I have alluded to characters  in the Bible, we must realize that they were human and therefore, shared fears and concerns similar  to yours and mine.  Mary was a young maiden,  who was engaged,  when she was told that she will be impregnated by the Holy Spirit. Many claimed that she was about twelve years of age; which in this present day, would be considered too young to have a child. Additionally, as she was a virgin, it can be assumed that Mary’s plan was for her first born to be Joseph, her husband to be’s child. Nevertheless, as the maiden chosen to birth the Son of God, her plans had to change.

 What was Mary’s challenge? I sincerely believe that she had several. You see, Mary never knew a man, yet she was pregnant; and her conception was not something that could be easily explained. To make Mary’s situation more complex, she was claiming to be the one chosen to birth the Messiah, the Son of the Highest. If you were there, it is a great possibility that you would have called Mary a liar or a lunatic. Nobody ever conceived in such manner before Mary did, and nobody did so afterwards. What was so special about Mary for her to be the one chosen? And what is so special about your life for you to be the one chosen? God knew then that Mary was the best candidate; and He knows now that you are the best candidate.

Click here to purchase your copy of CHOSEN


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