Wednesday, July 15, 2020

I Kept Running and excerpt from The Poetic Pen


I had an idea of who God wanted me to be

At that time I was very young

And just wanted to be free

Living my life for Him

Would have robbed me of my fun

God called me too soon

Just before my young adult years had begun

I knew I should have said yes

Immediately after hearing Elohim’s call

But when I looked at my friends

They were all having a ball

So much I would have missed

If I had immediately said yes

I also knew that running to God

Would have caused me to be blessed

But I ran away for as long as I could

I kept running and running

Running away from Him

Running into the world

My attempts to embrace sin

Running away from the call

Running away from God’s plan

Running away, attempting to embrace

The plans of sinful man

I kept running deeper into the world

Attempting to have some fun

Farther and farther away from God

And much further from His Son

The farther I went away

The greater was my pain

Eventually my worldly pleasures

I was unable to sustain

Emptiness consumed me

And my soul began to cry

Because I trusted my deceitful heart

Which repeatedly told me lies

Pleasures became pain

And my so-called friends went away

All because from God’s call

 I decided to go astray

I’m alone again

Back to where I first started

At that same crossroad

Where from God I had departed

Foolish was I to run away from Him

Believing that I would be safe

By embracing the pleasures of sin

I kept running but never able

 To gain much distance

I kept running because I was motivated

 By my adamant resistance

To yield to God’s call upon my fragile life

I embraced the world, I felt so much pain

And I also discovered envy and strife

I changed directions but I still kept on running

Running away from the things that were

Deceiving me

This time running towards my God

Wanting my soul to be made free

Once again I’m running

 Running as fast as I can

Running away from the world

And running away from sinful man

Freedom I sought, God’s grace and His divine love

I kept running from the world

My emotions set on things above

I kept running; running away from everything

That appeared to be sin

I kept running back to God

Knowing that in Him my new life will begin

I kept running, moving as fast as I can

I kept running toward Jesus

The Son of God and the Son of man

I kept running toward God

Because my soul was yelling YES

Yes to Your will Lord

Yes I want my life to be blest

I kept running because I decided

To answer God’s call

No more desires for sin

And no more erecting of walls

No more running away from my purpose

And no more running away from Him

I kept running toward Jesus

And running away from sin.

James 4:17  - Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Jacob's Prayer - An excerpt from An Availing Prayer

Can we tarry like Jesus’ disciples in the secret chamber?  Do we have the willingness to persevere until our answer, relief or change comes.  Jacob prayed and he also wrestled until his change took place.  A blessing indeed was received, “Your name will no longer be your name will be Israel,” the angel said.  With the interpretation it reads as follows, “Your name will no longer be supplanter…your name will be symbolic ruler of God or he shall rule as God.”

We want to experience a positive change in our lives, we want the improvement, the blessings or increase but we do not want to wrestle for what is rightfully ours. We have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavens in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:1-6). Too many of us lack the will or zeal to fight the good fight of faith for our spiritual inheritance.  Jacob fought until he was blessed by the angel and he fought all night.  The angel pleaded with Jacob to release him. The parable of the unjust judge depicts a scene whereby the judge was wearied by the widow’s persistent prayer (Luke 18:1-8). The life application of the parable is that when we cry out unto God day and night we will receive the answer to our prayers speedily.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020


Excerpt is from the book 'Understanding The Prophetic' by Tanya E. Munroe. Book is available at


How desperate are you to know what is to come next, happen next or the end of a matter? When we disconnect from fellowship with the saints of God, dishonor and disrespect our spiritual leaders, repeatedly walk in disobedience, we can no longer hear our Father’s voice. Such was the case with King Saul who repeatedly disobeyed God’s instructions given unto him by Samuel, the prophet. It was unto King Saul this statement was made, “To obey is better than sacrifice.”1 Samuel 15:22, 23. I say unto you as a Believer and a prophet, “It is better to obey than to sacrifice your relationship with God for the praise of men or for financial gain.” Because of King Saul’s disobedience, another was chosen to be Israel’s king.
After their separation, King Saul in his desperation to hear a word resorted to one who had a familiar spirit. You have to know when to end your connection to the person unto whom you have been assigned. King Saul was rejected because of his disobedience and David was chosen as his successor. You cannot mourn the separation; as a prophet you must move on to your next assignment. King Saul knew that Samuel, the prophet was not going to return as his spiritual adviser, therefore he sought someone with a familiar spirit as Prophet Samuel’s replacement. 1 Samuel 28:6-8 “And when Saul enquired of the Lord, the Lord answered him not, neither by dreams, nor by U’rim, nor by prophets. Then said Saul unto his servants, Seek me a woman that hath a familiar spirit, that I may go to her, and enquire of her. And his servants said to him, Behold, there is a woman that hath a familiar spirit at Endor. And Saul disguised himself, and put on other raiment, and he went, and two men with him, and they came to the woman by night: and he said, I pray thee, divine unto me by the familiar spirit, and bring me him up, whom I shall name unto thee.” You will have one or the other, the Lord’s prophet/prophetess or one who will channel/divine whatever you seek, desire or pull from the spiritual realm by a familiar spirit.
Wait on the Lord and wait patiently for Him to reveal what is next for you. I encourage you not to resort to horoscopes, astrology, palm and tarot card readers, fortune tellers, or those social media games of predictions. Trust what has already been revealed and continue to wait for further instructions or for God's spirit to guide you towards His will for your life. When you do this, you will have what is next for you within the appointed time that it should be known and at the time it should occur.

By Tanya E. Munroe 
(Last paragraph is not included in 'Understanding The Prophetic' book.)