Sunday, December 15, 2019


Article is an excerpt from Knowing But Not Becoming - The Metamorphosis book.
Book available at

Have you ever watched a movie that was so interesting to the extent that the only time you would move is when a commercial came on or the movie was paused? After watching this movie entirely you were terribly disappointed in how it ended because you felt there was much more to the story.  This is how you should feel and think in relation to your life in Christ, having never attained. There should always be room for more, improvement and continuation of your life's story. 

We should never become content with where we are in Christ because our goal should always be for change towards becoming more and more like Him. This desire will provoke you and me to embrace our metamorphosis because we become cognizant of the areas in our lives that are spiritually undeveloped.  

The caterpillar becomes the butterfly through metamorphosis. The tadpole becomes the frog through metamorphosis. The maggot becomes the fly also through metamorphosis. You can only improve your life and become that better person through metamorphosis. The choice is yours. 

Copyrighted by Pro Type
Book Written by Tanya E. Munroe